26069 Belgium ca. 1929-2001.
Beautiful, partly double collection Belgium 1929-2001 in 7 blanc Biella albums. Collection contains much better material like (OBP no’s): 293-298*, 301**, 301, 308-314*, 325**, 325, 326-332*, 346-350* (Mercier, highest 5 values), 342-350 (Mercier), 374A-374K (Mercier with overprint!), 351-352**, 351-352, 356-362*, 356-362, 363-374 (large Orval), 377-383*, 377-383, 394-400*, 394-400, 792-794, 795-797, 863-867*, 880-891** (UPU), 880-891, 892-897*, 898-899*, 898-899, 946-951*, 946-951, souvenir sheet 3*, 4, 5, 6*, 6, 26*, 26, 27*, 28*, 30, 31, tête bêches 3-12*, PUB’s (stamps with advertisements) 5-58* (!!), 67-72*, 99-106**, etc. Further many covers present, including better ones. Very nice collection, very high cat. value!
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