40477 World 1863-1948.
£600Nice, thematic stamp collection Ottoman Empire 1863-1948 of various countries such as Egypt, Syria, Cilicia, Lebanon, Palestine, Yugoslavia etc. in self-made album. Nice lot!
40487 World varieties 1880-1930.
£425Small lot, MNH, mint hinged and used varieties of various countries, on stockcards in folder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40263 World covers 1468 (!!)-1983.
£400The collector aimed to obtain a cover from every year. The collection starts in 1468 (!) and houses in 2 albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40249 World classic collection 1850-1910.
£2,400Schaubek album, 1912 edition in well above average condition, with a lot of old and classic material, partly picked, Europe with some decent Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, nice section Asia, British and French Colonies etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40180 World classic 1840-1910.
£9,950Very well filled, mint hinged and used, authentic world collection 1840-1910, including many good stamps from, among others, old German States, Italian States, China, English and French colonies, Latin America, Scandinavia, Great Britain etc. in old Schwaneberger album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40136 World 1871-1910.
£1,000Small, classic, mainly mint hinged stamp collection world 1871-1910, including better stamps of China treaty ports, Bosnia, Liberia, etc. on album pages in folder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40150 World classic super collection 1840-1900.
£25,000Very well filled, mint hinged and used world collection 1840-1900, including mountains of good stamps, but a lot of tinted material, in a reasonably good quality 8th edition of Universal Briefmarken Album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
40047 World sorting lot 1850-1950.
£1,600Nice sorting lot world 1850-1950, including world collection in album, ditto on loose sheets, in which better Asia, much old Switzerland and MNH 1940s in sheetparts, classic with cancels, better classic Great Britain and colonies, Italy classic in numbers, Shanghai, etc. etc. in box.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39016 World paquebot covers 1870-1980.
£2,500Great collection of the sought after paquebot covres, countries A-Z, from very old and scarce to new, many very good and scarce covers present of smaller countries, housed in 22(!!) albums and loose, in massive removal box. Seldom offered so extensive, with so many good covers present!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39777 All world mint never hinged 1900-2000.
£4,250Gigantic mint never hinged accumulation from very old to new, tons and tons of mint never hinged sets and sheetlets in quantities, including Riu Kyu kleinbogen, tons of glassines Great Britain with hundreds and hundreds of pounds face value + better older, Russia sets and sheetlets, Italy/Vatican with better 50’s, Cyprus blocs in quantities including the scarce pathfinder sheetlet from 1963(6x!), Italian colonies 30’s in part sheets, Australia from 1913 onwards in quantities (here also some used), gigantic amount of useful pickings, in 8 big fat binders, 6 boxes with glassines + big piles of loose, in 2 very heavy boxes. Great lot for the trade!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39507 All world covers 1860-1960.
£2,200Large removalbox full with covers all world, thousands, including classics, Asia, Birma, Germany, censor marks, better frankings and cancellations, Germany Zones, East Germany service covers etc. etc. Wonderful lot to play with of to sell on eBay etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39702 World adventure lot 1860-1995.
£650Box full with e.g. collections Germany Reich, Aland, ancient all world collection falling apart including better noted, inflation Germany in quantities, classic GB and colonies etc. etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).