Showing 1–12 of 2322 results

40132 Italian States, territories and colonies 1850-1955.


Messy, but very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Italian States, territories and colonies 1850-1955, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Libya-Cirenaica 11-16* (Manzoni), 67-70*, 103-108*, 109-110*, 127-136*, Cirenaica 1-13**, Tripoli 25-30* (Manzoni), 163-176*, 177-189*, 216-222*, etc. on albumpages in folder.

40168 Germany 1945-1987.


Apparently complete, MNH stamp collection Bundespost 1949-1987, including posthorn set (Schlegel certificate), and British-American Zone in Kabe album.

40174 Germany localpost 1945-1946.


Very well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Germany local post 1945-1946, including souvenir sheets, in blank album.

40171 French Zone Baden 1945-1948.


Overcomplete, MNH, mint hinged and used, partly double stamp collection French Zone Baden 1945-1948, including many covers, in blank album.

40172 France 1849-1944.


Nicely filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection France 1849-1944, including good stamps such as (Yvert no’s): 7(*) (2x), 33 (thin spot), 122, 156, 256**, 256, 266-268, 348-351** (higned on vignette), 354-355. souvenir sheet 1, 2, 3, in blank Leuchtturm album.

40118 USA 1851-1931.


Mint hinged (partly without gum) stamp collection USA 1851-1931, including good stamps, on albumpages in folder.

40169 German Reich combinations 1916-1941.


Very well filled, cancelled collection of combinations of German Reich 1916-1941, including duplicates in stockbook. Catalogue value 18,000 euros!

40173 Kazakhstan 1992-2014.


Almost complete, MNH stamp collection Kazakhstan 1992-2014, including souvenir sheets and sheetlets in stockbook.

40116 Italian territories and occupations 1918-1945.


Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Italian territories and occupations 1918-1945, including good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Fiume 1-28*, 29-30*, 31*, 32-48*, 50-61*, 98-113*, 114-130*, 131-142*, Carnaro 1-19*, very well filled part Aegean Islands, including Garibaldi set with all different overprints (cancelled), etc. on albumpages in folder.

40136 World 1871-1910.


Small, classic, mainly mint hinged stamp collection world 1871-1910, including better stamps of China treaty ports, Bosnia, Liberia, etc. on album pages in folder.

40149 Saar 1920-1959.


In the main numbers for 99% complete, cancelled stamp collection Saar 1920-1959, including all toppers such as (Michel no’s): 1-17, 18-31 (no. 30 signed), 53-69, 104-107, 122-125, 128-134 (129 missing, 134 on piece), 135-141, 144-150, 151-157, 161-167, 168-170, 171-177, 199-205, 267-271, 299-303, 309-313, souvenir sheet 1-2 (Hochwasserhilfe) etc. in Safe album.

40147 Switzerland BOB 1878-1989.


Almost complete, cancelled stamp collection back of the book of Switzerland 1878-1989, including many good stamps such as (Michel no’s): Kriegswirtschaft 1-8 I, 1-8 II (without no. 5), service 1-18, 19-27, SDN 1-15 x, 9-12 z, 26-35, BIT 1-14, 25-31, 48, Military post 1 on letter piece, postage due 1-9, 10-14, etc. in Marini album with slipcase.