40016 Dutch territories 1870-1937.
£750Nicely filled, mint hinged stamp collection Overseas territories 1870-1937, including good stamps such as (NVPH no’s): Dutch East Indies 58**, 59*, 80**, 205-210*, Curaçao 42-43(*), 104-120*, Suriname airmail 8-14* (Do.X.), etc. on album pages in folder.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39880 Dutch territories 1864-1969.
£2,500Well filled, MNH and mint hinged stamp collection Overseas territories 1864-1969, including good stamps such as (NVPH no’s): Dutch East Indies 1*, 63-80* (Java overprint, without no. 71), 98f* (2½ guilders, inverted overprint Buitn Bezit down, thin spot, genuine?), 149-159** (Bandoeng overprints, some stamps with some brown dots), 280*, 287, 289(*), service 1-7*, 8-27, safe 1-7*, Curaçao 104-120*, airmail 1-3*, 18-25*, 82-88*, etc. in Schaubek album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39774 Dutch Colonies 1864-1975.
£500Wellfilled mint/used/mnh collections of Dutch Indies, Nw. Guinea and Surinam, including many better sets and singles, back of the book, in 2 expensive Davo de luxe albums. Bargain!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39760 Netherlands colonies 1864-1974.
£1,450Nearly complete collections of Dutch Indies, Nw. Guinea, Curacao and Surinam including Dutch Indies 1/2(2s), Bandoeng overprints, 1923 Jubilee, 1948 and 1949 high values, good back of the book, Curacao incl. 1873 set used, 1923 jubilee mint, 1947 high values used, 1947 airmails to 25 guilder, Surinam including expensive issues, in thick stockbook. Massive catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39622 Netherlands and territories covers 1852-1962.
£1,100Nice lot of covers from the Netherlands and territories 1852-1962, including several sent to the Royal House (Princess Juliana, Irene, etc.), crash mail, many TBC postage, etc. in folder. Ex. Baron Baud collection.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
39263 Dutch territories 1864-1970.
£1,350Well filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Dutch territories 1864-1970, in which the Dutch East Indies, Dutch New Guinea, Curaçao/Antilles in a somewhat messy Davo cristal album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38931 Dutch Colonies proofs 1870-1940.
£1,100Stockbook full with proofs of Dutch Indies, Surinam and Curacao, large quantity including many better and scarce proofs, offered very cheap!!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38668 Dutch territories FDC’s 1948-1975.
£300Well filled collection of first day envelopes from the Netherlands Antilles, Suriname and Dutch New Guinea, including all the better first numbers in 2 FDC albums.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38431 Dutch territories 1870-1975.
£1,100Extensive, MNH, mint hinged and used duplicates lot Dutch territories 1870-1975 in 3 stockbooks, containing many better stamps. Huge catalogue value!
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38071 Dutch territories 1864-1960.
£900Reasonably filled, MNH, mint hinged and used stamp collection Dutch East Indies, Dutch New Guinea, Indonesia and Suriname 1864-1960 in Importa album.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
38082 Dutch Overseas Territories 1864-1962.
£1,500Well filled, mint hinged and used stamp collection Dutch Overseas Territories 1864-1948 in old album, including good stamps such as (NVPH no’s): Dutch East Indies 1, 2, 97*, 98*, 149-159* (Bandoeng), 165*, 166 *, service 1-7, 8-27, marine insurance 1-7*, postage dues 1-4 (no. 1 mint hinged), Curaçao 1-12, 42-43(*), 75-81* (jubilee), 104- 120*,airmail 1-3*, postage dues 7, Suriname 1-12*/o, 56-57, 60-64, 104-110* (jubilee), airmail 8-14* (Do.X), postage dues 3( *), 15-16(*), etc.
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).
37442 Dutch territories 1864-1949.
£1,750Folder with Safe dealer pages with stock cards with better, mint hinged and canceled stamps of Futch Territories 1864-1949, in which good stamps such as (NVPH no’s): Dutch East Indies 1, 160-166, 289, service 26-27*, Curaçao 11(*) , 11 (2x), 12, 19-23*, 29-43, 42-43(*), 75-81*, 81, 104-120*, 104-120, 178-181*, 230-233, etc .
click here for all the photos (opens in new window).